Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed. And the messages that do get through are less than comforting. It's a level 5 quarantine and the only souls allowed in or out are the Rapid Response Tactical Squad - hardened Marines armed to the teeth with enough firepower to neutralize the enemy...or so they think.

John and Samantha
- Karl Urban - First Post
- The Two Towers - Second Post
- The Return of the King - Third Post
- The Bourne Supremacy - Fourth Post
- The Chronicles of Riddick - Fifth Post
We watched this not long after it came out on the movie channels. I have to say, I was surprised at the way it ended. :) But I'm all for movies with cute guys, big guns and things that go boom. LOL
We'll have to have an all-nighter the next time you come over. All Karl Urban... I'll have a bucket nearby for you, promise.
I did 4.64 miles yesterday and appr. 13.5 miles today in my spin class. Please add those! Thanks!
5 miles running today. Still spinning my wheels on whether or not to include spin class. (Ha ha.)
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