Thursday, October 22, 2009

The *Telling* use of words


Why do we choose the words we use? As a writer I wonder about these things.

For example, take the description of Chocolate.

How is chocolate described most of the time on TV cooking shows?


What do they mean? Chocolate is extremely desirable, a taste treat one can spent the evening enjoying.

But what does decadent really mean?

Corrupt, immoral, degenerate, debased, debauched, self-indulgent, characterized by decadence, esp. culturally or morally: a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility.

I don't know about you, I don't think of chocolate that way.
How about saying chocolate is luxuriant? It means somewhat the same thing only with more positive context: rich, silky, abundant in glorious taste.

Images from [Closet Cooking: Chocolate Cheesecake]

There are other words I wonder about.

Sinful, as in pleasures

How about:

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I always like finding a new way to describe something. It's like you discover something "new" altogether.

Lori-ann said...

I'll just describe chocolate as Yummy. Especially European chocolate. Drool.....

Descriptive enough?

Anonymous said...

I'd use the word "Gak" for chocolate. But that's just me. :)

Miles this week: 15 spin, 10 running

Unknown said...

I don't know, I think chocolate fits the "decadent" description pretty well. All those calories - and it still seduces us!

Deborah Talmadge said...

I think I can agree with everything here, even the Gak. After eating a lot I definitely feel the GAK. Otherwise, Yum, Luxuriant and even Decadent, for all the reasons stated.

Sushiboy said...

Decadent is one of those words like "literally". It is misused so often that most of us don't even think twice when it is slaughtered. (how many times have we hear, "like, oh my gosh, I literally died!")

Deborah Talmadge said...

Sushiboy - You're right. Our language is slaughtered frequently. That's why it changes over time and we end up with designations such as *Old English*.