Monday, November 8, 2010

Awesome Give Away Winners!

Some of you may not know when you were commenting the last 2 weeks that you were being entered to win the last 3 of my October giveaways. If you are one of the lucky winners, then... surprise!!


Kyle Hinterser!


Still waiting for Stephanie Abney to contact me. I'm going to give it one last stab, and then I might consider a second runner up.

Another one of my first followers: Tristi Pinkston. You will find her at any one of these places.
[], [Tristi Pinkston, Editor], [Tristi Pinkston, Writing Instructor]


Unknown said...

Darn! I guess I'll have to go buy those books myself. Congrats to the winners!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners!

Spare Time Industries said...

Awesome! I'm so happy I won!!! I can't wait to get it! Thanks a lot!!! :D

Shauna said...

Yay! I'm so excited I won the book! Sorry it took so long for me to realize it was me you were congratulating.

I have writers brain.