Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Find That Illusive Inspiration

Must Be Earned.

If you wait to be inspired before you start writing, you most likely will wait for a very long time. That bolt of soul-clarifying insight usually doesn't happen while you sit around waiting for it.

You have to write.

The physical act itself will free the imagination.

There's a technique known as stream of consciousness, and that should be the strategy of your first draft. Whatever words flow into your brain, let them continue to flow through your fingertips.

In theory, at least in its initial phase, writing is easy. One word after another. Inspiration usually comes mid-sentence.

Your muse will sing, but only when you're already on stage.


Unknown said...

is your muse Muse?

very true, by the way. I like this post.

nephite blood spartan heart said...

I am convinced some of my best stuff has flowed while I am typing the first draft as fast as I can and I am as surprised by events as a first reader will be.

Anonymous said...

Very true. Clever last line. :)

Anonymous said...

Stephen King said that he gets to work so that the muse will know where he is, each and every day. When considered like that, it makes sense. If I'm in a place the muse can consistently count on me to be, chances are, she'll show up more.

Anonymous said...

Miles (at a guess):

Spinning: Let's assume 75 miles for December, and 60 so far for January.

Running: Probably only 25 or so.

I'll start keeping track for sure now. :)