Yesterday, I came out of the grocery store and found this sitting next to my car.

Okay, I had to find out what it was. You know.... me = major car nut.
Besides, it was army green! I mean, for a while, all of the clothes I owned were army green. I even had the nick name Ramba. I wanted to know what this thing was. It had more oomph than any Jeep I've ever seen -- wasn't quite as big as a Hummer -- but one couldn't ignore it.
Two guys were already inside, the driver was getting ready to climb in.
I'm so polite. I stopped right beside him and said, "I have to ask. What is it?"
His answer. "It's a Swiss army Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer 710m." He probably figured I didn't know what he was talking about. Oh ho ho .... I might not have ever seen one of these babies before, but I sure knew how to find out all about it with that tiny bit of information.
The guy got in and started the thing up. Nice. In that way it was just like a Hummer. The engine just purred, real quiet like. So Sweet.
You know.... I WANT ONE.
I can just see you driving around town in that! You couldn't hide then. ;)
You and your cars..... ;)
If you like the 710M series of Pinzgauers, you should check out the 712M's. Nice to see a gal interested in the Pinz
That's the longer one. Yeah, I spent time looking at those on the internet. Really nice.
Another car for you to drool over. :)
So the question is which one you like better- this one or the Hummer?
Oops. Mileage counts for the walk across America. 8 miles Saturday and 5 miles this morning. That brings me up to 35 miles. But I'm still deciding whether to count my spin classes.
Since this post is still up, I'll post my miles here.
Yesterday I did 4.06 miles on the elliptical and the *weird machine*. I need to find out what it's called... Today I took the kids for a super long walk and had a picnic in a park, but I need to clock those miles. :)
Yesterday the walk with the kids ended up being 3 miles (they slept really good!) and I did 2.51 miles this morning on the elliptical.
I plan on walking with the kids to the library today too, so there will be more miles. :)
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